hedda], the Programmer of Elf12 and the person who hosts it.
Lerune], the original Grand Mog and the person who thought up Elf12.
Calico Tiger], the original Vice Mog and made countless graphics additions to Elf12.
TheRogue], who made many contributions to Elf12 in the beginning.
True, plain and simple], who created the stylesheets and color-coded the site.
Yuriona], who made many contributions and is the current Grand Mog.
Sunrose], who acted as a Council advisor and helped out with many decisions on Elf12.
Erinbabe], who made the front page image.
3_qNloW*pfC], who established many of the original Kids Only! pages
Ihsahn], who has made many contributions to Elf12.
Angelo], who has made many contributions to the wiki's and is the current Vice Mog.
djxmonster], who helped with the founding of the site.
pixie_shimmer], who ran Adoptables and made many graphics
Scarlet_Royal] the second Grand Mog, who also donated many graphics to Elf12.